Turnaround Consulting Training, Coaching and Resource Network in a Post Covid-19 World.
Perry Marshall on What is a Turnaround?
Why Now
Why You Should Join
There are 32.5 Million businesses in the U.S. and Every one of them will HAVE to perform their own "turnaround" to a greater or lesser extent. It is our job to find, profile and engage to help them adapt, and you can be part of the team.

Turnaround Engine Network TEAM
The Turnaround Consulting Team

John Paul Mendocha
Turnaround consultant with 27 years of experience and 20 executed turnarounds to date co-author of "Most Businesses Fail in the First 5 Minutes" and "Remote Work for a Better World" John is the "Analog" side of this equation.

Gabe Bautista
The digital side of this team and co-author of "Most Businesses Fail in the First 5 Minutes" and "Remote Work for a Better World" Logistics and Implementation are his home ground.
Are You Ready to Play at This Level?
Where do you fit?
Turnaround Consulting Training
The Innovators, the Bleeding edge. Watch the sausage being made and be in on the action. The 5 part kicks off with a small group of true trailblazers that join John Paul and Gabe in this adventure.
See Real Deals Take Shape
Early Adopters have opportunities that later participants will be envious of. The Early Adopters join the Innovators and prepare the groundwork for the full release. The goal is to create a network that generates deal flow and opportunities to all involved.
Part of turnaround work can involve investment and acquisition strategies that will be available to members of the network. If you are interested in this aspect of Turnaround Engine Network, be sure to reach out.
Turnaround Engine Network Membership
Join the Network
The Innovators
$ 497 Sign up
Early Adopter Group
$ 697 Sign Up
TEN 1.0
Full Release
$ 1,500 /Month
TEN Frequently Asked Questions Webinars
TEN Frequently Asked Questions Webinars
What are Members saying?
Be part of the tribe ⏤ the time is now
Perry Marshall
Author of 80/20 Sales and Marketing

Jack Born
Entrepreneur and Inventor of the "Tactical Triangle"

Dike Drummond, MD
Physician and Medical Trainer

Richard Duggal
Real Estate Speaker and Coach